Monday 13 April 2015

Quiz 28 on Current Affairs 2014-15 for SSC CGL, UPSC, IBPS, MAT, CAT and other competitive exams


 Supreme Court to examine CBI's status report today for ?
plastic scam
Coal scam
Bussiness scam
None of the above
Can't ignore NGO estimates of 11,600 missing, says disaster

management body in ?

jammu kasmir
None of above
where 57 more villages inundated in  10 july ?
jammu kasmir
None of the above
four people who were detained released, investigators back to
square one?

in Bodh Gaya blasts
increases during the day
in Jaipur temple
None of the above
UAVs keep vigil as ........................flags

off Jagannath rath yatra ?

Narendra Modi
Pardav Mukharji
Man Mohan singh
Sonia gandhi
who is main Caretaker PM of Egypt ?

Nitin Gadkari
Mohamed ElBaradei
K.K poual
None of the above
who is the held Talks over Re-opening Joint Industrial Zone Kaesong ?
North and East Korea
North and South Korea
East and West Korea
None of the above
 Kerala to get Central assistance for
Mid-day Meal Scheme
Mid-day joy Scheme
holl-day Meal Scheme
None of the above
Scientists detected Mysterious Bursts of ?
light waves
signal ways
Radio Waves
network ways
 China’s Ex-Minister sentenced to death for Graft and Power Misus, who is  the china\'s Ex minister ?
Liu pangan
Liu Zhijun
ullu vrano
the first Briton in 77 Years to Win Wimbledon Men’s are /
Andy Murray
V.S. Naipaul
Wajid Ali Shah
K.K paul
 India-Israel trade raised to ............. Dollars in 2012-13 ?
6 billion
9 billion
8 billion
10 billion
International Telecommunication Union  to say that how many people are online in 7th july ?
30 Percent of the Global Population is Online
40 Percent of the Global Population is Online
70Percent of the Global Population is Online
80 Percent of the Global Population is Online
Multiple blasts rocked Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya in ?
Himachal Pradesh
jammu kasmir
the first women officers to be inducted in BSF where is the posted at peresent time in india ?
india and Pakistan
Pakistan and Bangladesh
Pakistan and Kuruchetra
None of the above
what is the  released of United Nations ?
Millennium Development Area
Millennium Development Goals
both of above
None of the above
World's 1st IVF baby born using ?
New crystal process
New Embryo Screening Technique
New Embryo devolping Technique
None of the above
who is man appointed new Governor of Sikkim ?
G.K Bhasgav
K. K paul
Shriniwas Dadasaheb Patil
S.D.P sornwal
who is person withdraw bill allowing unilateral conversion of Child   ?
Vikram Seth
Dr.Jonas Salk
None of the above
A Pact to enhance Co-Operation In Energy Sector name of place ?
India and china
india and U.S.A
India and Iraq
None of the above
India moves in ICC test ranking ?
first rank
third rank
second rank
fourth rank
Who is the new governor of Meghalaya ?
KK Hussan
KK paul
None of the above
what is current news of  Osama bin Laden?
he is cutter panthi so his killed by U.S.A
Pakistan criticised over failure to capture al-Qaida chief
None of these
All of the above
what is current news of Transparency International investigation ?
Transparency International investigation highlights lack of public faith in match fixing
transparency is transparent rule
Transparency International investigation highlights lack of public faith in politicians
All of the above
Why are people still climbing Uluru?
Uluru is a landmark symbol of Africa
Uluru is a landmark symbol of Australia
Uluru is a landmark symbol of china
Uluru is a landmark symbol of india
Score = Correct answers:
General Knowledge questions for SSC CGL, UPSC, IBPS, MAT, CAT and other competitive exams.

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